The Forbidden Fruit Loyalty Scheme
How To Use Loyalty
- Sign up for a loyalty account (if you haven’t already done so) –
- Use the link provided in the “[TFFHastings] Login Details” email you received to create your password
- *OPTIONAL* Download the TFFHastings App to access loyalty easily (
- When you receive confirmation that your account has been created access the Loyalty Card from the Loyalty Section of our app or by accessing the loyalty section of our website HERE
- The section will initially show “No content found”, log in by clicking the link shown on screen (you should only have to do this once)
- login using your email address and password you have set
- Your loyalty card should now be available on the app
- Show your loyalty card to any member of the team to start collecting your points and grow your balance
A monthly statement will be sent to you which will detail any purchases made as well as your loyalty points balance.